Our Blogs

Chiropractic Therapy Improves CrossFit Performance

Barbell Shrugged interviewed Dr. Brad Cole for episode 31 of the popular podcast.  CrossFit is an international fitness revolution and high performance sport.  The functional movements (squatting, picking up heavy things, pulling, running, climbing, jumping) integral to CrossFit exercise programs leave no room for body movement inefficiencies.  As chiropractic physicians, we at Cole Pain Therapy Group evaluate and treat the movement system, with a strong appreciation for the goals of any athlete. We enjoy being part of an athlete’s support team.


Intro & Maximum Mobility (0:40)
Brad Cole: Chiropractor VS. Physical Therapist (1:08)
X-Rays & Doug’s Neck Pain (7:09)
Joint Manipulation (9:15)
Managing Expectations (12:10)
Education as Treatment (14:42)
Common Injuries of Crossfitters (17:58)
Movement Efficiency: Joint by Joint (20:05)
Cont’ Common Injuries of Crossfitters (22:41)
Competitions Performance & Spinal Stability (26:29)
Ankle Mobility (29:10)
Shoulder Mobility (31:04)
Brad’s Article: Ice (32:24)
Technique WOD (36:10)
Back from Break (41:50)
Chiropractic Course of Treatment (42:11)
Muscle and Joints Causing Headaches (44:28)
MRI (46:34)
Cont’ Headaches (48:36)
Nutrition on Brad’s Webpage (51:20)
Sleeping Positions (52:41)
Chiropractic Myth: More Sales Than Medical Training (56:26)


Step 1

Call today to schedule your convenient appointment.

Step 2

Pre-register your important health information on your phone or computer to save time.

Step 3

Meet your new doctor for a customized plan and start moving toward your goal!

Discover how we may help!

We are the Memphis area’s top-rated chiropractic group, providing you with gentle chiropractic care, dry needle therapy, exercise therapy, and therapeutic massage.

cole pain therapy group

2845 Summer Oaks Dr, Memphis, TN 38134
(901) 377-2340

Life Shouldn't Hurt!

You Deserve To Feel Great. We Can Help!
Your go-to Chiropractor in Memphis, TN

cole pain therapy group

Dr. Richard L. Cole, DC, DACNB, DAIPM, FIACN, FICC
Dr. Jeffrey D. Luebbe, DC, CCRD, CCSP
Dr. W. Steven Vollmer, DC, DAAPM
Dr. Bradford J. Cole, DC, MS, CSCS
Dr. J. Colby Poston, DC
Dr. Daniel Smith, DC
2845 Summer Oaks Dr., Memphis, TN 38134
(901) 377-2340

Monday – Friday:
8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Saturday :
8:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Walk-ins are Welcome!

© 2025 Cole Pain Therapy Group, All Rights Reserved

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